Hello to all. On this page you will find general chit chat / discussions / trending news etc....
Armistice Day 11/11/2015
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I would like to send out my thoughts on this 'remembrance' day to all of those who fought during the world war.
I would also like to send love out to all. Whether, British, American, French, Australian, etc etc
It is important that us human beings come to our senses and realise that not only fighting each other is disgusting, even embarrassing! That we see, that we are fighting against illness and mother nature.
Collectively we could cure such a lot of illnesses and together have a better world. Then we would all be better off for it!
I am am not naive to suggest that wars will stop. No. I am just pointing out that we all have a life, families and not long to grace the wonderful planet of which we are destroying.
So please try and make a concious effort to be kind, thoughtful and welcoming.
We are all in remembrance today for those who put their life on the line for peace and freedom. Yet as we stand in silence to honour the brave, a lot of us are still involved in war!
More has to be done for peace and joy, however I guess we will never live such lives. Such a shame, but hey I would like to send a huge HELLO out to everyone.
May Armistice Day be a pleasant day and my thoughts are with the brave solders and their families on this remembrance day.
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A Visit To The Doctors... NHS IS PATHETIC!
Should we dread trying to get a doctors appointment for our children?
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Recently my son who is now Six years of age was suffering with really painful constipation.
It got to the point where he would curl up in a ball crying his eyes out and saying 'I want this to just leave me alone'.
Trying to contact the out of hours doctor was a complete farce!
I called NHS Trust to see if they could possible give my wife and I some guidance, only to find that I could not understand the lady I spoke to, and all I got from the whole conversation was to take him to the doctors!
Hmmmm thank you for all your great advice 'Mrs I went to university for six years'. Even I know that..... BUT NO DOCTORS ARE AVAILABLE!!!!
I got my son dressed and took him to the A&E department, to be greeted with drunken, high on drugs, thugs!
Great environment for a child... I think not. And to top it off, the receptionist said 'he doesn't look in pain'.
So basically we were an inconvenience, being there.
He didn't look in pain as the pain eased by the time we got to the hospital and eventually found a parking place!
Even though his pain had passed, I still wanted someone to look at him and for reassurance if anything, that he was OK.
Four and a half hours passed with no sign of us seeing anyone soon, I asked the receptionist 'how much longer do we have to wait? Its now 3:30am and he is exhausted'.
The receptionist replied 'there is a waiting list, you will just have to wait'.
A six year old waiting in a room full of drunks etc at 3:30am..... NICE!
My son had enough at this point and was nagging me to take him home to bed. So we upped sticks and went home.
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What a mess and completely a waste of time.
But I guess a trip to the zoo for free wasn't too bad for us.... That's what it was like down the hospital..... A zoo!
Morning arrived and there was no way I could take my boy to school, he was exhausted. However we still had to participate in the lovely school commute as my daughter had school.
I spoke to my sons teacher and explained, of which she was very understanding.
My son and I went to the doctors 'supposed to be open surgery' only to be told by the receptionist 'we have to have an appointment'.
It was to my understanding 'open surgery' was so, patients could turn up before a certain time and see a doctor. Oh no I got it so wrong.
I then asked her 'can I make an appointment please'?
She replied 'no, you have to phone in the morning before 10am, to book an appointment'. It was 9:45am at this point I would like to add. But no appointments have to be made over the phone! PATHETIC!
Back home we went and waited until we had to pick my daughter up from school. And again, I spoke to my sons teacher and explained what has happened etc. Again she was great and understood.
So now, we are on two days off school, at the beginning of term, September!
My son was in pain again during the evening. No luck with out of hours GP's (do they exist anymore, I have no idea) and again no luck with the NHS helpline. The advice was the same as before 'take him to the doctors'!
OK so day three arrives. Calling the doctors surgery at 8am and finally, I managed to get through at 8:40am... Big rush to get my daughter to school for 8:50am.
The appointment was booked for 9:40am so, my son and I went straight to the doctors surgery after dropping my daughter off to school.
It seemed like everyone was going in and we were forgot about. So as it turned 10:15am I asked the receptionist 'do you have any idea how long we are going to be waiting? As my sons appointment was at 9:40am and it is now 10:15am'?
She replied 'the doctors are behind, so you just have to wait'.
So we waited.... and waited.... and waited..... It was now 11:35am with only two other patients waiting, of which came in a lot later than us. And finally, my sons name popped up and we were able to see a doctor.
The doctor looked over him, and yes I was happy with her. She prescribed him with medicine, reassured me and my son and before we left she said 'I would like to see your son in a fortnight, just as a check up'.
I then asked the receptionist that the doctor told me 'she would like to see my son in a fortnights time, can I book him in now'?
Obvious reply 'No you can not book an appointment that far in advance'.
Thanks a lot. So even though the doctor requested to see my son, I was still unable to book an appointment!
I can not believe how ridiculous the above system is. I have lost all confidence in the NHS and how it all works, I really have.
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We are GREAT Britain.... Maybe not so great after all.
A simple service to see a doctor has become a farce, A real farce.
Our children should be able to see a doctor whenever they need to. Regardless of anything, our children's health is paramount. This system really need a shake up and realise that it is doing more harm than good.
All the money the NHS costs, and yet a simple appointment with the doctor is like finding a lucky scratch card.
And when you do eventually see a doctor you have to wait hours upon hours just to see them for FIVE minutes.
I would also like to add, that yes the doctor may see your child, but don't expect to have a check up, without going through all the madness again.
To add insult to injury, my son's school sent letters home to all pupils asking parents to book doctors appointments out of school hours!
I really don't understand how this can be done. I really don't like my children missing school and I understand the schools thinking but it can't be avoided because the NHS is a sham!!!
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Wales as a nation, step up their game!
Congratulations to the Welsh Rugby and Welsh football teams!
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Both teams have been underdogs, and to some degree, rightly so.
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But it has come to no surprise to all of us watching, that Chris Coleman and co managed to secure qualification, albeit losing on the night but, they still go through to the Euro's that take place in France and I for one can not wait until the tournament kicks off next year. 54 years in waiting!
Throughout the tournament they played like a club team and that is so hard to do at international level as we all know, but Gareth Bale & co play for each other, as a team and credit has to go to the manager Chris Coleman for this mentality that the players are showing on and off the pitch.
Well done to the welsh football team.
And as for the welsh rugby team..... Well, with so many injuries to so many key players, many believed
Wales wouldn't make it out of the group stage... But they showed character, passion and a desire as a team to get to where they are now, through the group stage and into a massive match against the spring box awaiting.
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Many had massive doubts over the welsh team, when Leigh Halfpenny was ruled out of the world cup. But as with all great teams you need someone to step up and be a man. That man was Dan Biggar. He has been phenomenal during this world cup and he has provided the rest of the team with a reassurance that he can step up and be not only a jersey filler, but a difference in games.
You can see that the replacements stepping up to be counted has helped Wales, be the team that many thought they just simply wasn't.
Well done to the welsh rugby team.
So a massive congratulations to Wales for their recent accolades in both sports.
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Today Is National Poetry Day......
So I thought I'd love to get involved, being a lover of poetry.
Be Yourself...
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As one stands in admiration of others,
Others are in admiration of you,
Wanting to be another, is not being you,
Being you, is what another wants,
Another's presence can be distracting,
Be yourself, never acting,
And you will find life more rewarding,
And indeed a life worth living.
Be yourself!
Katie Hopkins...... Is she for real???
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Katie Hopkins tweets baby born with half a head should have been aborted.
(itv news reported)
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Twitter user Lindsey Roberts hit back at what she called the "shameful, disgusting tweet" saying: "He's still alive, which gives you no right to say they made the wrong decision. You're sick in the head!"
While Emily Westwood wrote: "Well you seemed to have carried in life minus a brain - so there's hope for everyone!"
When one user threatened to report Hopkins, she tweeted back: "Well done - keep them coming."
Hopkins, who is now a Daily Mail columnist, has come under fire for her comments about migrants, obese people and dementia in the past.
She sparked outrage by calling dementia patients "bed blockers" , branding migrants "cockroaches" and saying she would ban fat people if she became prime minister.
Thousands also signed a petition to swap Hopkins for 50,000 refugees.
My Thoughts;
So Katie Hopkins is finding fame from being so outspoken and rude, she doesn't seem to care who she upsets, just as long she keeps hitting the headlines and getting paid for it at the same time.....
Well, what a woman! A middle aged, dried up hag, who takes it upon herself to comment on anything and everything that hits the news just to get a little fame.... How sad!
With the above story, how on earth she thinks that she can say what she did and think it's OK to do so is beyond human sanity!
And I would also like to add shame to the Daily Mail..... Why on earth, did you hire such a spineless, horrible and brainless, sad excuse of a woman for? Just because she gets headlines? hmmm She should be writing them, not making them!
To right off any living human being is beyond a joke. Is she suggesting all those who have disabilities, should fall off the face of the earth, as if they have no meaning to anyone or no use?
I have no time for her at all! I find her comments very over the top, her opinions have no grounding and how can she criticize this little one, when she has a nose like that I have no idea. Also I would like to add, the little one above will still have more brain cells than Katie Hop a long whooopss Hopkins will ever have!
Please feel free to comment.
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