It's Halloween time!!!
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Pumpkins, Costumes, Tricks, Treats and Halloween Parties!
What will you be doing for Halloween?
I for one will be taking my little ones around the streets trick or treating, after making some cool costumes and when we have finished, we will be indulging in some cool games at home.
Everyone has heard of apple on a string right? What about dunking apples?
Well these are great games to get stuck into as a family and the kiddies love it!
Let's start with the game 'dunking apples'.
What you will need;
- Bowl of water
- Towel (maybe two or three)
- A bunch of apples
- Side plates / Bowls for each player
- A prize
Simple but fun;
The idea of the game, is to fill a bowl up with water along with a few apples and each family member has a turn of dunking their heads in the water.
The aim of the game is for the family members to bite into an apple and pull the apple out of the bowl with their mouth and place the apple onto their personal plate / bowl.
Once all the apples have been taken from the bowl of water, you add up each family members apples that they have placed on their plates and whoever has the most apples win a prize.
Simple, yet great fun.
I would advise putting a towel down first though as it can get messy / wet!!
The other game 'Apple on a string'.
What you will need;
- A bunch of apples
- String for each apple and top string
- A prize
Another simple but fun game;
The idea behind this game is for the players to eat their apple first, whilst it dangles on a string just using their mouths and with their hands behind their backs.
First one to eat their apple, win a prize. Simple.
You will need to tie a piece of string to one side of the room and have it go to the other side of the room.
Then you tie string to the top string (how many, depends on how many players) have the strings go through the centre of each apple. Keep in mind the players hight, so you know how long the piece of string needs to be.
Then it's as simple as 1, 2, 3, GO!
Simple, but great fun.
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Now, let's have a look at the costumes...
Whether you decide to make the costumes yourself, or buy a costume off the shelf, the important thing to
remember is that, it's all about FUN!
remember is that, it's all about FUN!
Let's look at making our own costumes first.
During my childhood there used to be a few of us who would go around knocking doors with a simple mask on and a black bag... Yes a simple bin liner.
However, I do not wish to do that for my children, just out of my own personal preference.
Last year, my wife and I made ghost costumes for our little ones, and added face paints along with cool looking handmade bags for all the treats..... They looked awesome. If I may say so my self!
Handmade Halloween Costume.
A simple white sheet, cut a hole in the top just enough so the children's face can be seen and hey presto, you have a ghost.
Then onto the make up side of things.
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White face paint with black eye liner and job done!
Now the bags.
We used old handbags and glitzed them up with pumpkin wrapping paper.
The children looked really good and my wife and I noticed that a lot of people who answered their doors, liked the idea of us making our own fabulous costumes and even a few, gave us a few more treats too!! Bonus.
Obviously there are so many other ideas out there for making your own costumes, but the above costumes 'the ghosts' I really liked.
As not only did it cost next to nothing, it was practical as the children can wear layers of clothes underneath the white sheets and no one can see them. So easy on the bank balance, practical, great fun, family time and they look great! WIN WIN.
Now let's have a look at some of my favourite costumes for Halloween.
Ghastly Ghoul |
Now for some cool pumpkin designs;
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So there we have it. A few Halloween Ideas for everyone to enjoy.
Please feel free to get involved.
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